Dec 30, 2019
In this episode, Ellen looks at what worked and didn't work when it came to productivity in 2019 (and what she is going to do about it going forward.)
• Timers
• Consistency
• Habit stacking
Didn't work:
• Establishing boundaries
• Blocking distractions
• Meditation
50/50 (sort of worked, sort of...
Dec 22, 2019
In this episode, Ellen looks at why New Year's resolutions don't work, and what you can do instead. She looks at:
• The structural reason resolutions don't work
• The easy steps you can take to make resolutions bullet-proof
• Why planning ahead makes your resolutions even stronger
• How making her resolutions...
Dec 16, 2019
In this episode, Ellen discusses the idea of making progress when you feel like you aren't making progress. She talks about:
• A simple system to follow to get things done when you feel like you can't get things done.
• Why incremental progress is the best thing you can do
• How simple Post-it Notes can help you...
Dec 9, 2019
In this episode, Lee and Ellen look at what cartoons and comics can teach us about being efficient and effective. Together they look at:
• The Road Runner and the power of persistence as well as the value of trying something new
• Underdog and why it's important to have people you can call on to help you
• The...
Dec 2, 2019
In this episode, Lee and Ellen look at how having a Wild Idea Club can help you be more efficient. together they look at:
• How learning from others can help you continuously improve all areas of your life
• What you need to start a Wild Idea Club
• Ways you can build a virtual Wild ideas Club with or...