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The Faster, Easier, Better Show

Jul 29, 2019

In this episode, Ellen and Lee look at the ways that you can focus when you don't have time to focus. Together they looking at

• Finding (and using) small chunks of time throughout your day

• The power of fake deadlines

• Overcoming Parkinson's Law

• Why focusing on the finish can help you get more done


Jul 22, 2019

In this episode, Ellen and Lee look at how improving just ONE thing in your life every day can change things. Together they look at:

• How learning one new feature on your phone can change how much you get done each day

• How one small improvement over time reaps huge rewards

• Why being 1% less distracted can...

Jul 15, 2019

In this episode, Ellen and Lee look at the importance of switching up your routine. Together they look at:

• Taking a break from the regular routine

• Giving your brain novel activities

• How a calm brain can help you come up with new ideas

• Why it's important to know your energy patterns and plan...

Jul 15, 2019

In this episode, Ellen and Lee look at Counterintuitive ways to get things done. Together they look at the power of:

• Getting distracted with a timeframe

• Having a list of things you don't want to do, and won't do

• Deciding what you don't want

• Listening to your gut

• Taking lots of breaks


Recorded and...

Jul 8, 2019

In this episode, Lee and Ellen question everything! Seriously, they discuss the importance of asking yourself questions. Together, they look at questions like:

• What will make me happy? What is my goal? (What should I be doing right now to accomplish it?)

• If I don't do my task, what's the worst thing that...