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The Faster, Easier, Better Show

Jul 31, 2017

In this episode, we look at how planning can work so well -- and how it can fail us.
Recorded by: Wayne Duncan at StudioD, San Diego
Music: "When I'm Gone" written and performed by Lee Silber & Wayne Duncan

Jul 24, 2017

In this episode we look at habits, why we have them, what good are they and how we can change them, or build new ones.
Recorded by: Wayne Duncan at StudioD, San Diego
Music: "When I'm Gone" written and performed by Lee Silber & Wayne Duncan

Jul 17, 2017

Is there a better or faster way to do things? Overwhelmingly, the answer is Yes! There is a better way! Lee and Ellen share ways to do things faster at home and at work.

Recorded at StudioD. Wayne Duncan Recording Engineer. Music: "When I'm Gone," written and performed by Lee Silber and Wayne Duncan.