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The Faster, Easier, Better Show

Jan 29, 2018

In this episode, Lee and Ellen look at the importance of getting out of your Comfort Zone and trying new ways to do things. They look at the importance of trying baby steps (and why they are even called baby steps), and how friends can be the key to trying new things and how overcoming perfectionism can be the thing...

Jan 22, 2018

In this episode Lee and Ellen look at how to efficiently win friends and influence people. It's not as weird as it sounds. Using other friends, mentors and events are a great way to connect one to many.

Recorded and Produced at Studio D, Wayne Duncan Producer

Music written by Wayne Duncan and Lee Silber

Contact Lee at

Jan 15, 2018

In this episode, Lee and Ellen look at the different efficiency trends that are on the horizon in 2018. These include the use of Artificial Intelligence, Self-Learning, Up-Skilling, and Wearables.

Each of these technologies have the potential to make us more efficient and productive in different ways.

Recorded and...

Jan 8, 2018

In this episode, Lee and Ellen look at ways to follow through on your goals, plans and yes, resolutions for 2018.

They discuss the importance of having micro-goals (and celebrating them), leaving the easy stuff of the end of the day, and the importance of small rewards.

Finally, they look at how green dots (and red...

Jan 1, 2018

In this first episode of 2018 Ellen and Lee discuss what they are NOT going to do in 2018. Lee talks about looking at the year as a circle and being in his optimistic phase now and promises to not waste time this year. Ellen discusses year end reviews and both talk about being cognizant of where time goes.

Recorded and...