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The Faster, Easier, Better Show

Oct 25, 2021

In this episode, Lee and Ellen look at the importance of clearing your mind, so you can focus on the important things in life. Together they look at:

• How to do a brain dump/mind capture so you get all of the thoughts in your head onto paper

• Lee's new project designed to do just that

• Ellen's favorite...

Oct 18, 2021

In this episode, Lee and Ellen look at how you can protect yourself from the Energy Stealers that can ruin your day. Together they look at:

• The morning routines that famous people use to make the best of their energy when no one can steal it from them

• The importance of making fewer choices

• How a pair of dice...

Oct 11, 2021

In the final episode of the 7 part series on the Habits of Highly Efficient people, Lee and Ellen discuss the power of collaboration. Together they look at:

• How two heads (or more) are better than one

• Lee shares his shark costume idea and how collaboration saved him

• The power of YouTube when you need to...

Oct 4, 2021

In this 6th episode of a 7 part series, Lee and Ellen look at how being entrepreneurial can help you to be more efficient. Together they look at:

• Why everyone is really an entrepreneur and why that's important

• How to find the best ROI for your personal and business life

• Why double-dipping is efficient
